
Encouraging one another to remain true to the Lord

Feb. 14th   Walking in Wisdom

Encouraging one another to
remain true to the Lord
 Acts 11:19-30
Image result for I thessalonians 5:11

·    * A Levite from Cyprus named Joseph, whom the
disciples call Barnabas, which meant son of encouragement.  Acts 4:36

·     *Has a proper perspective on the use of money and
property and gave it to the apostles  Acts 4:36-37

·     *Served others  
Acts 4:36-37

·    * Stood up for Saul  Acts 9:26-27

·     *Full of the Holy Spirit and faith  Acts 11: 24

·     *Encouraging other believers to remain true to
the Lord  Acts

·    * Through his ministry a great number of people
came to know the Lord   Acts 11:24

·    * Willingness to do whatever church leaders needed
Acts 11 25-30 

I love Barnabas.  

We all have an upbringing.  Some of us have good ones and some of us not
so good ones.  It does not matter how you
were raised.  What matters is if you know
Jesus.  It was obvious that Barnabas knew
Jesus and loved Him and served Him well. 
Are you someone who loves to encourage
Are you willing to do what the Lord asks of
Are you willing to give up all that you
have to the Lord?
Are you willing to be stand up for someone
in the faith?
Do you know a Barnabas or are you a
The only way to be like him is to believe
in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  To spend time in His Word getting to know Him
and who you are in Him.   We spend time
with people every day and by doing that we get to know them very well, it is
the same with Jesus, do you spend time with Him every day?  
For those of you who do spend time with Him
every day, are you out there encouraging the believers?  And did you notice that not only was he
encouraging the believers but others were being saved as well. 
Father, help us to be  encouragers today of
the believers and that it is far reaching into the lives of the unsaved.  That we would hunger and thirst after Your
Let our roots grow down into You and draw
up nourishment from You, so we will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the
truth we have been taught.  Let our lives
overflow with thanksgiving for all You have done.   Col. 2:7
That we would delight in Your law, Lord and
meditate on it day and night and we will be like a tree firmly planted by
streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not
wither; and in whatever we do we prosper. 
Psalm 1:2-3
That we would be the land which drinks in
the rain often falling on it and produces a crop useful for whom it is farmed
and we will receive a blessing from you God.  
Heb. 6:7